Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Theme: "Thanksgiving"
Text: Psalms 147:7
7. Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving, Celebrate our God with the harp!
Let us remember:
Psalm 147 is described as the double-barreled psalm. It has a double meaning but the two explanations come together because they give praise to God. It is a psalm centered on the reconstruction of Jerusalem, the royal city. The people gathered who sing this praise to God, are a people who return from captivity in Babylon under Ezra and Nehemiah. They give thanks to God who brought them out of this galley. For a long time, they had not had such moving moments of finding themselves in front of a free praise, without pressure from the oppressors. They are grateful for the grace that the Lord God has given them to return home. Instead of going about their business; instead of going to rummage through the rubble of their old homes, they instead took the time to give thanks to God for his blessings. It is therefore a song that celebrates God for the restoration of the people who had lost their freedom. At the same time, the leaders have a plan for rebuilding the sanctuary and the walls, another plan for the rebirth of the surrounding countryside. This Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to present to God their strength, their intelligence and their determination, useful for the reconstruction of the destroyed heritage. For us, let us remember that every situation in our life must be an opportunity to stop and say thank you to God. In circumstances of joy or sadness, let us give thanks to God. There is never a shortage of opportunities to give thanks. Let us give thanks for this new year. Excellent New Year's Day. Happy New Year 2025 under divine guidance. Amen
Alain Louz.-