Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Topic: “Thanksgiving”
Text: Ephesians 5:4
4. Let no filthy talk or foolish talking or jesting, which are not proper, be heard; but let thanksgiving be heard.
Let us remember:
We must be very selective in the words that our mouths release. Also, we must be rigorous in the actions to be undertaken. Let us not let ourselves be carried away by every wind of doctrine. Let us not give in to futile things that demean our faith and humiliate the one who saved us: Jesus Christ. On the contrary, we must be forever in thanksgiving. No matter what season we are going through, thanksgiving must never be lacking. Let us not be lacking in thanksgiving. If thanksgiving is not our preferred expression, then let there be no filthy talk, no foolish talk, no jesting, which are contrary to decorum. Let us learn to make right choices, for we are the salt of the earth. We are the light of the world; there is no room for foolishness and jesting. Our body is the temple of God, it is the seat of God. Let us not mix it with low things. We must know well that no fornicator, or impure person, or covetous person, that is, idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Lightness of speech can lead us to those dangerous things which can drown our faith and compromise our salvation. Let thanksgiving abound in our families. Thanksgiving is not only words but also actions, gifts, behaviors, offerings, legacies, sacrifices towards God and his work. Let us give without regret because God gives us without respite. Good behavior can be an act of thanksgiving. Let us give thanks for this year 2024 which ends today. Amen
Alain Louz.-