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Overcoming the worries of difficult times

Writer's picture: Meditons EnsembleMeditons Ensemble

Monday 3 May 2021

Theme : "Overcoming the worries of difficult times"

Text : Joshua 22: 24-30

24. Rather, it was out of a kind of uneasiness that we did this, thinking that your sons would one day say to our sons: What is there in common between you and the Lord God? from Israel? 25. The LORD has set the Jordan for a border between us and you, the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad; you have no part in the Lord! And so would your sons cause our sons to cease fearing the Lord. 26. Therefore we said, Let us therefore build an altar, not for burnt offerings and for sacrifices, 27. But as a witness between us and you, between our descendants and yours, that we will serve the Lord. LORD before his face with our burnt offerings, and with our sin offerings and thanksgiving, that your children may not say to our children one day, Ye have no part in the LORD. 28. We said: If they speak this language in the future to us or to our descendants, we will answer: See the form of the altar of the Lord, which our fathers made, not for burnt offerings, and for sacrifices, but as a witness between us and you. 29. Far be it from us to revolt against the Lord, and to turn away this day from the Lord, building an altar for burnt offerings, and for offerings, and for sacrifices, besides the altar of the Lord. , our God, who is before his home! 30. When the priest Phinehas, and the princes of the assembly, the heads of the thousands of Israel who were with him, heard the words which the sons of Reuben, the sons of Gad, and the sons of Manasseh spoke, they were satisfied.

Let us remember :

It is possible to take precautions that would help overcome worries when difficult times arise. The vision and foresight based on the will of God can avoid the surprise effect since all arrangements would be made so that nothing surprises us. To triumph, one must build on Christ because everything that is born of God triumphs over the world; and the victory that triumphs over the world is our faith. Indeed, some of our actions can be misinterpreted; but since they are built on Jesus our foundation, the Spirit of Jesus will do its work. In difficult times, it is the Spirit of God who will act, inspiring us what to do. So, let us trust in Jesus and surrender our lives, our projects to Him ... and during difficult times, we will know how to count on Him. Excellent Monday. Amen

Alain Louz.-

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