Tuesday January 18, 2022
Theme : " Happiness in the teaching of Jesus "
Text : Matthew 5:4-5
4. Blessed are the afflicted, for they will be comforted! 5. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth!
Let's remember:
Jesus Christ teaches us that happiness does not depend on what we have or what we do not have. In itself, happiness is a sober, vehement, reassuring/confident state of mind and attached to spiritual wealth in God. True happiness must find its foundation in God and His Word. All other happiness is meaningless before God, though pleasing to the concerned. Thus, Jesus assures the afflicted of his consolation. Their afflictions will not be eternal because God will intervene to bring them his consolation. An afflicted is a person who is deeply saddened by misfortune. We know that the Holy Spirit is God's gift to the world, he is our consoler; the comforter of the afflicted. It is a great happiness to receive the consolation of the Holy Spirit. As for the good-natured; they will inherit the earth. The good-natured is the one who is good to the point of weakness. When we overflow with goodness, our reward is the inheritance of the earth. It is a great happiness to inherit God's creation. Excellent happy Tuesday. Amen Alain Louz.-