Monday, April 3, 2023
Theme : "The crucifixion is a source of glorification of the Lord Jesus"
Text: Zechariah 12:10
10. Then I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication, and they will look to me, whom they have pierced. They will weep over him as one weeps over an only son, They will weep bitterly over him as one weeps over a firstborn.
Let's remember:
Zechariah presents Jesus in a very glorious way. In his book, every time he talks about the Lord Jesus Christ, he makes the other characters disappear. Examples include Joshua in chapters 3 and 6 or Zerubbabel in chapter 4; both give way to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a clear way to manifest his glorification in front of those who must decrease and for Jesus to increase and be magnified. This is how our life and that of the Church should be. Let us learn to give way to the one who deserves glorification while we are to contemplate and adore his majesty. Here is restored the truth that was denied regarding the divinity of Jesus and his earthly mission. Israel had refused to believe that he was the saviour. Instead, he had been vilified instead of receiving his salutary message. He had been humiliated, beaten and crucified almost naked. Fortunately, God had raised him up and he had ascended to his true home. So God had glorified him. Through the crucifixion, the Lord Jesus had been glorified. The crucifixion reconciles the world with its creator: it is a subject of glorification. It is the mystery of the cross, when the devil believed that the Father had abandoned Jesus, he was surprised to see that God glorified his Son. It's like “Who loses, wins”. Today the eyes of the world are turned to the Lord Jesus; the glorified crucified. Excellent Monday. Amen Alain Louz.-