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The Church, a community of God's children

​Saturday, August 10, 2024

Theme: "The Church, a community of God's children"

Text: Matthew 5:9

9. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God!

Let us remember:

The Church, a community of God's children, opposes internal divisions, conflicts, troubles, wars, disputes, dissensions. These things have no place among God's children. The community of God's children must be the seat of peace. And this peace must never come from men; but from God because peace coming from God is never followed by sorrow. The peace of God truly soothes hearts. This is why it is said: "Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God and believe in Jesus." One of the criteria for recognizing a child of God, a criterion that is obvious, is the joy of spreading peace. He who is born of God finds a precious happiness in spreading peace. He does not do it to gain glory from it but he does it by his nature as a peacemaker like his Father. He does it by resemblance to his Father and also by obedience to God. Where could the idea of ​​creating trouble within the Church, the community of God's children, come from if not from the devil? If there is one thing that must be found in the DNA of each child of God, besides love, it is peace. It is this peace that surpasses all understanding and that guards our hearts and our thoughts in Jesus Christ. Woe to those who cause trouble, they know whose sons they are. Excellent Saturday. Amen

Alain Louz.-

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