Sunday 22 August 2021
Theme : " Singing as a means of expression and communication of the gospel " Text : Colossians 3:16 t
16. May the word of Christ dwell among you abundantly; educate and exhort one another in all wisdom, in psalms, in hymns, in spiritual hymns, singing to God in your hearts under the inspiration of grace.
Let us remember :
By relying on song, it is possible to send a message that can change a person's life. The content of the song should be our priority. Several Christians take advantage of the songs to launch spikes against those around them. Let us use songs to exhort and teach each other. The content of the songs should serve the cause of Christ and not selfish and petty interests. Even when the song is addressed to men, its content should rejoice the heart of God. Even if it is sung only from the bottom of the heart; God wants it to be sung under the inspiration of grace. Let us ask God to make our songs effective in order to convert us and our neighbor. Let us note that the song must edify us, strengthen, instruct, bless, reframe, encourage, exhort briefly the song is a means of expression and communication of the gospel. Excellent Sunday. Amen Alain Louz.-