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Praise, a musical style or a lifestyle?

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Theme: "Praise, a musical style or a lifestyle?"

Text: Psalms 33:1-3

1. Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous people; praise is fitting for the upright. 2. Celebrate the Lord with the harp; sing praises to him on the psaltery. 3. Sing him a new song; make your instruments and your voices resound!

Let us remember:

Praise is a spontaneous action that springs from the soul. It is an expression of satisfaction in being a child of God. Praise does not depend on our successes; it must spring forth even when the situation is deplorable. Succeeding in praising when everything is going badly is proof that praise is a lifestyle. Thus, the righteous rejoices in the Lord. His joy comes from the fact that he belongs to the Lord God. Praise is fitting for upright men, in other words, praise is suitable for men of faith, who sanctify themselves, who act honestly, who are frank, loyal, honest. He who addresses praise to God must use the instrument at his disposal. Those who do not know how to play an instrument can clap their hands. One of the least mentioned instruments is the voice. Our voice is a precious piece of equipment, a prestigious instrument capable of moving the throne of God. The other instrument, the most beautiful, the most important, the most indispensable; is the heart. Making praise a lifestyle means putting one's heart to work. Such a decision comes from the heart. It is therefore not possible to raise praise to God by putting one's heart out of play. On the contrary, it is the heart that is the center of this praise, it is therefore the instrument par excellence that must rejoice the great heart of God. At the heart, let's associate the harp, the ten-string lute, the guitar, the percussion, the hands, the voice... Excellent Saturday. Amen

Alain Louz.-

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