Saturday January 6, 2024
Theme: “Let us thank the Lord for his blessings”
Text: 1 Timothy 2:1
1. I exhort therefore, above all things, to make prayers, supplications, petitions, thanksgivings, for all men,
Let's remember:
Before God our Savior, it is good and pleasant to give thanks for our leaders and for all those who are exalted in dignity, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, in all godliness and honesty. God wants us to give thanks to Him for all situations, for all the people around us, for the favors received from Him. Thank God for the people who mentor us spiritually. These apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, doctors, deacons who perfect us in the faith so that we are no longer children, floating and carried away with every wind of doctrine, by the deception of men, by their cunning in the means of seduction . Let us thank God for our parents who did everything to give us a good Christian education and put us in school. Thank God for school teachers who put a dose of knowledge in our heads. Let us thank the Lord for all these brothers and sisters who travel with us in this world. Let us thank God for all the people we will meet in our future. Have a great Saturday. Amen
Alain Louz.-