Monday, July 18, 2022
Theme : " Let's say no to perversion in the Church "
Text : Romans 1:26-27
26. Wherefore God delivered them up to infamous passions: for their wives changed the natural use into that which is against nature; 27. And likewise men, abandoning the natural use of women, have become inflamed in their desires for one another, committing infamous things man with man, and receiving in themselves the reward which their error deserved.
Let's remember:
Perversion is the deviation of tendencies, instincts (compared to what is considered natural); it is the depravity of morals. This is what happens if the human refuses to obey God his creator, preferring to honor a creature; he puts himself in an uncomfortable position of dependence on the flesh and its desires. In this case, discernment disappears and the flesh takes over. This is where the human becomes more perverse than the animal. 2 Timothy 3: “1 Know that in the last days there will be hard times, 2 for men will be selfish, lovers of money, boastful, proud, blasphemers, rebellious to their parents, ungrateful, impious, 3 insensitive, implacable, slanderers, violent, cruel, enemies of good, 4 traitors, carried away, blinded by pride, lovers of pleasure rather than of God”. It is possible to reverse this trend by returning to the Creator's feet and resuming obedience to Him. When the flesh takes over the Spirit of God, the person becomes Satan's prey; a slave to his own desires/lusts. Such a person no longer has any restraint in the face of evil in all its forms. The Church of God unfortunately harbors those people who have an appearance of godliness but deny the power thereof. Together, let's say no to perversion in the Church. Excellent Monday. Amen Alain Louz.-