Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Theme: "God upholds the righteous."
Text: Job 4:6-9
6. Is not your fear of God your strength? Is not your integrity your hope? 7. Remember: who is the innocent who has perished? Who are the righteous who have been destroyed? 8. As for me, I have seen those who plow iniquity and sow injustice reap its fruits. 9. They perish by the breath of God; they are consumed by the wind of his anger.
Let us remember:
Seeing the advantages concentrated in the hands of the wicked and unrighteous, many children of God wonder why the righteous are less favored? The most appropriate answer is that the priority of the righteous is to enter eternal life, far from focusing on the goods of this world, which will perish. David made an excellent argument about the righteous. He teaches us not to envy the wicked. Let us not be angry with the wicked, nor envy those who do iniquity. For they will be cut down like grass and wither like the green herb. Rather, let us trust in the Lord and do good. Let us be righteous and do good deeds of faithfulness to God and love for our neighbor. Let every child of God delight in the Lord, so that he may receive the desires of his heart. Instead of living in question, let us commend our fate to the Lord and trust in him, and he will do it. If we do this, we will make God happy. David also teaches us that the Lord knows the days of the righteous, and their inheritance lasts forever. The righteous are not ashamed in times of trouble, but are satisfied in days of famine. If the righteous man falls, he will not be overcome, for the Lord will hold him by the hand. When David analyzed his journey, he found words that summed up his thoughts in this way: "I have been young, and I have grown old; and I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging for bread." Courage to us pilgrims. Have a wonderful Tuesday. Amen.
Alain Louz.-