Wednesday February 7, 2024
Theme: “Young people, let your light shine before all men”
Text: Philippians 2:14-16
14. Do all things without grumbling or hesitation, 15. that you may be blameless and pure, children of God without blame in the midst of a perverse and corrupt generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16. bearing the word of life; and I will be able to boast in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain nor labored in vain.
Let's remember:
The young person must lead a healthy and holy life modeled on Jesus, our perfect model. Murmurs and hesitations are sources of distraction. There is no such thing as a life in draft form, nor is there a spare life. This is why the life of young people must be different and relevant in comparison to the multitude of idle young people who litter the sidewalks. The young person's decision-making must be informed by the Word of God, it is this which must dictate to us the ins and outs in order to better discern God's will for us. The young person must be blameless and pure. He must be irreprehensible in the midst of a perverse generation of other young people who have stones for hearts and who delight in distraction. Young people must know how to read the signs of the times in order to understand that the time is no longer for distraction. He must carry the Word of God as one carries eggs without breaking. Every young person must carry the torch of Jesus in order to shine with Him. The one who carries the torch is careful not to extinguish it. So, he must not come near water (sin); he cannot expose himself to the wind of murmurs and hesitations. He must not put the torch under a bushel or under the table. He should also know that the torch has an incendiary capacity that can set flammable things ablaze. This is why the young person must be on his guard since he carries the gospel. The one who carries the torch shines with it because the torch illuminates him. May each young person shine like his torch. Let us know that any fault present in the young person's life will be revealed by the light of the torch. The torch exposes the misconduct of its bearer. Be careful not to fall with your torch. Have a great Wednesday. Amen
Alain Louz.-