Wednesday 20 October 2021
Theme : " The conditions for being a disciple of Jesus Christ "
Text : Luke 14: 33-35
33. So therefore whoever of you does not renounce all that he has, cannot be my disciple. 34. Salt is a good thing; but if the salt loses its flavor, what will it be seasoned with? 35. It is neither good for the earth nor for the manure; we throw it out. Let him who has ears to hear hear.
Let us remember :
The disciple of Jesus Christ must prepare his heart for obedience to the Word of God. His heart must be entirely devoted to the cause of Christ. Therefore, the congestion caused by the material concerns of this century is not of a nature to serve Christ optimally. Therefore, the disciple should not be attached to the material; his heart must know how to distinguish between love for God and love for the material world. The disciple has taste before God and before men when his heart is devoted entirely to Jesus Christ. The flavor is in Christ and in his entire consecration. The disciple retains his flavor as long as he is fully devoted to the commands of Jesus. Let's work not to lose our flavor. Let us be faithful to the service of Jesus. In the event of loss of flavor, it would be impossible to bring back what is lost. All the efforts made beforehand would be in vain. May this world not delight us with our flavor. Excellent Wednesday. Amen Alain Louz.-