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The Christian facing death

​Monday April 22, 2024

Theme: “The Christian facing death

Text: Ecclesiastes 8:8

8. Man has no control over his breath so that he can hold it, and he has no power over the day of death; there is no deliverance in this battle, and wickedness cannot save the wicked.

Let's remember:

Life is God’s responsibility. Life is a gift from God. In fact, it is God himself who has the secrets. It is God who is master of our life. He is the master of our breath. It is God alone who can take away the breath of life. Spiritually, death is a second stage of life. It is almost the continuity of life but in a different form if not a form opposed to life. Indeed, physical death is the separation of the spirit and the mortal body. It finds its origin in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve who disobeyed God and, as a sanction, God pronounced the sentence of death, he took away eternity. But the death on the cross of Jesus Christ changed the situation and brought eternity back to the bosom of the children of God. The first Adam brought death; Jesus the second Adam brought back life. Initially, God had programmed humans to live eternity. But the man had not managed to stay the course. Through Jesus, God re-programmed eternity. Between life and eternity, in the middle, there is the transition called death. Man is not master of his breath to be able to hold it, and he has no power over the day of death; only God is the guardian of life. To lengthen life or to shorten it, we must look to God. The Christian must face death by relying on God. He must accept it out of obedience to God. We drag our mass of mortal flesh but remember that we are not in control of it. Have a great Monday. Amen

Alain Louz.-

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