Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Theme : “ The Christian and debts ”
Text : Romans 13:7-8
7. Render to all their due: tax to whom you owe tax, tribute to whom you owe tribute, fear to whom you owe fear, honor to whom you owe honor . 8. Owe no one anything except to love one another; for he who loves others has fulfilled the law.
Let's remember:
This text shows us several kinds of debts. Debt is what we owe to the State, to the Church, to society, to nature, to the family; and that we must return. These are our obligations; before which we cannot turn away. For example, we must return to the State its tax. Whether he makes good or bad use of it, it is not for us to retain it. To God we owe fear, submission, honor, obedience, unrestrained worship: abuse is allowed because God loves it. In married or engaged couples, we owe each other love and fidelity: it's a debt that never ends, we have to pay it every day and always. To our neighbour, Colossians 3.14: "But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection." No one should get away with this divine instruction. We have a debt to preserve nature so as not to damage it. Unfortunately, nowadays, we owe the glory to men, to sects, to lodges, to tribal groups… We owe the debt to the love of religion more than to God. Sad. Excellent Tuesday. Amen Alain Louz.-