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God and Our possessions

Writer's picture: Meditons EnsembleMeditons Ensemble

Saturday March 26, 2022

Theme: “ God and Our possessions Text: Matthew 17:24-27

24. When they came to Capernaum, those who collected the two drachmas came to Peter, and said to him, Does not your master pay the two drachmas? 25. Yes, he said. And when he had come into the house, Jesus warned him, and said, What do you think, Simon? The kings of the earth, from whom do they collect tribute or taxes? of their sons, or of strangers? 26. He said to him: Strangers. And Jesus answered him, The sons are therefore exempt. 27. But, so as not to scandalize them, go to the sea, cast down the hook, and catch the first fish that comes; open his mouth, and you will find a stater. Take it, and give it to them for me and for you.

Let's remember:

Nations have put in place several organizations that work to collect the possessions of the people, such as tax services. This collection of possessions helps the proper functioning of the states. This is why it is not good to exonerate oneself if one wants to have economically stable nations. Jesus and Peter paid their taxes so as not to be "outlaws" and so as not to spoil their testimony, so as not to scandalize the tax collectors and also all those who would hear about it. In the churches too, there is an organization for collecting properties in money or in kind. Since the churches live only on donations and legacies, it is essential to participate in the life of our communities by paying the fixed fees. Let's not be among those who do not pay but who only come to the assemblies to castigate and hold the leaders to account. It is not good to evade a charitable organization because it is not only about our credibility but also about the love of the neighbor. Let us also contribute in our families so that life is better organized and therefore easier for everybody. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-

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