Saturday July 10, 2021
Theme : " Divisions: source of weakening " Text : Titus 3: 8-11
8. This saying is true, and I want you to affirm these things, so that those who have believed in God may apply themselves to doing good works. 9. This is what is good and useful to men. But avoid crazy discussions, genealogies, quarrels, disputes relating to the law; for they are useless and futile. 10. Depart from thee, after a first warning and a second warning, him who causes divisions, 11. knowing that a man of this kind is perverted, and that he sins, condemning himself.
Let us remember :
In the register of good works, there are no divisions. This would mean that we should not support the divisions. Let's avoid crazy discussions which can lead to anger, brawl, division. Let us be artisans of peace and unity. Let’s spread living together. Let us warn all detractors; that they have time to repent and leave the evil. Let us renew the warnings if necessary so as not to lose them. If need be, after many attempts to bring them closer to God, if they persist in evil, we have no choice but to put them on the sidelines. Let us therefore move away from those who propagate divisions and weaken the cohesion of our communities. However, let us continue to pray for their return to the good brotherly feeling. Let us be careful not to be perverted by such people. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-