Tuesday December 5, 2023
Theme: “Behold, your King comes”
Text: Psalms 2:1-12
1. Why this tumult among the nations, These vain thoughts among the peoples? 2. Why do the kings of the earth rise up, And the princes join forces with them Against the LORD and against his anointed? - 3. Let us break their bonds, Let us free ourselves from their chains! - 4. He who sits in heaven laughs, The Lord laughs at them. 5. Then he speaks to them in his anger, he terrifies them in his fury: 6. I have anointed my king over Zion, my holy mountain. 7. I will publish the decree; The LORD said to me: You are my son! I fathered you today. 8. Ask me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, the ends of the earth for your possession; 9. You will break them with a rod of iron, You will break them like a potter's vessel. 10. And now, kings, conduct yourselves wisely! Judges of the earth, receive instruction! 11. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12. Kiss the son, lest he be angry, And you perish in your way, For his anger is quick to burn. Blessed are all those who trust in him!
Let's remember:
According to Luke the physician in Acts 4:25; this psalm is from David and the apostles apply this prophetic message to the persecution of Jesus by the religious leaders of Israel (Acts 4:27-28). Obviously our King is coming and he will break the rebellious nations with a bar of iron. God our Father is very sure of the striking force of his only Son who is an Anointed King. David warns in advance the kings and rulers of the earth to submit to the rule of the Son of God and to come to an agreement with him. We too collaborate with Jesus because his reign is already established and it continues to be perpetuated; it continues to extend and gain momentum. From verse 1 to verse 6 these are threats against the kingdom of Christ, verses 7 to 9 it is the promise made to Christ to be the head of this kingdom and verses 10 to 12 speak of the advice given by God to all to serve Christ. Threats, promises and advice; these are the parts constituting this chapter. It is up to us to pay attention to the denial of the arrival of the Messiah and also to the refusal to receive his Word. We agree that the first two psalms are complementary in that they describe the two sins of Israel: disobedience to His law (Psalm 1) and denial of His Son (Psalm 2). Let us not fall into this trap of unbelief that these two psalms reveal. Let us welcome the King who comes without doubt. Intellectuals of all stripes accept without doubt and defend the existence of a virtual set denoted N whose elements are natural integers. But Christians doubt the appearance of their King Jesus Christ. They celebrate the anniversaries of their own births but shun the memory of the coming of Jesus into this world. It is up to us to distinguish ourselves by our clairvoyance by preparing the path for the coming King. Have a great Tuesday. Amen
Alain Louz.-