Saturday June 18, 2022
Theme : " The unity of the children of God "
Text : Galatians 3:25-28
25. Faith having come, we are no longer under this pedagogue. 26. For you are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ; 27. All of you who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28. There is no longer either Jew or Greek, there is no longer either slave or free, there is no longer either male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Let's remember:
United by faith, the children of God have the same inheritance. Having all gone through the same baptism, each child of God becomes a member of the body of Christ and must participate in its unity. No one retains his old identity, we have all become citizens of heaven, people of the house of God, workers with Christ. No longer can any race prevail because we all become the divine race. Our social status has dissolved in the humility found in Christ; making us useless workers or servants. The Greek is no longer Greek except in name, he becomes identical to the Jew, identical to the Korean, identical to the Malian, identical to the Canadian… the resemblance lies in the fact that they are all born of the same God the Father, they believe in the same Lord and Savior Jesus; they have the same faith; they received the same baptism; they are dedicated to the same eternal life. Where is the difference? None! They have the same spiritual aspirations; they receive the same gifts and ministries of the Spirit; participate in the same holy communion. We have all put on Christ. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-