Saturday 20 November 2021
Theme : " Do not conform to the present century "
Text : Colossians 2: 20-22
20. If you died with Christ in the rudiments of the world, why, as if you were living in the world, are these precepts imposed on you: 21. Do not take! does not taste! do not touch! 22. precepts which all become pernicious through abuse, and which are based only on the ordinances and doctrines of men?
Let us remember :
This life is filled with prohibitions deemed futile but which we cleverly follow. The true biblical prohibitions which should keep us away from sin, we brave them without restraint. Uses and customs take up more space may the Word of God in our hearts and in our families. For reasons linked to ancestral tradition, we cannot eat certain foods; you cannot drink certain beverages; one cannot hold such a substance ... Many of them rigorously respect these precepts linked to ancestral traditions; but they are absent subscribers when it comes to biblical precepts. Observation: this century is gaining momentum in people's hearts; but the Word finds no favorable reception. You have to reverse the trend to make room for the Word of God. We must reject all unbiblical precepts; so as not to conform to the present century. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-
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