Wednesday 17 November 2021
Theme : " Do not conform to the present century "
Text : Exodus 23: 1-2
1. Thou shalt not spread false rumors. Thou shalt not join with the wicked to bear false witness. 2. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; and thou shalt not testify, siding with many, to violate righteousness.
Let us remember :
The Christian must not live at the expense of this century. He must be unchanging in his faith. He must refer daily to the Word of God and remain faithful to it. When the lovers of this world come to conform to the present century, the Christian will have to abide by the Word of God. When people create groups to spread poison or infox or fake news, the Christian will keep his guideline of truth and honesty. When some band together to plot against their neighbor, the Christian will have to teach them love for their neighbor. This century imposes on us a frantic pace of misconduct that can shake our faith. Let us be vigilant and careful. Do not conform to this century, it is a dangerous trap, a trap that would cause our downfall. We will risk realizing when it is too late, being already in the lion's mouth. Excellent Wednesday. Amen Alain Louz.-