Tuesday November 16, 2021
Theme : " Do not conform to the present century "
Text : 2 Corinthians 4: 1-4
1. Therefore, having this ministry, according to the mercy shown to us, we do not lose heart. 2. We reject shameful things that are done in secret, we are not astute, and we do not alter the word of God. But, by publishing the truth, we commend ourselves to every human conscience before God. 3. If our Gospel is still veiled, it is veiled for those who perish; 4. for those unbelievers whose minds the god of this age have blinded, so that they may not see the splendor of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, shining.
Let us remember :
It is very dangerous to follow the pleasures of this century. Anyone who engages in this will have their judgment altered to the point of losing their understanding. Yes, the world and its pleasures blind the intelligence and prevent seeing the wonders of God. This is why the Word of God becomes inoperative in the life of "Christians", they pray but do not receive, they seek and do not find, they knock and God does not open. The Gospel has become veiled for those who perish; God gave them back the veil he had torn and which allowed everyone to access the most holy place. From now on, this kind of Christian no longer has access to the saints of the saints, they are excluded from the glory of God. This is why everyone must come out of the pleasures of the world if he wants God to reveal himself again in his life. Shameful things that are done in secret must be rejected; reject misconduct (sins). Let us refuse to be superficial Christians. Excellent development Tuesday. Amen Alain Louz.-