Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Theme : " Cease with betrayals "
Text : 2 Samuel 15: 10-17
10. Absalom sent spies into all the tribes of Israel, to say, When you hear the sound of the trumpet, you will say, Absalom reigns in Hebron. 11. Two hundred men from Jerusalem, who had been invited, accompanied Absalom; and they did it in all simplicity, knowing nothing. 12. While Absalom was offering the sacrifices, he sent to the city of Gilo Achitophel to seek the Gilonite, counselor of David. The conspiracy grew powerful, and more and more people were with Absalom. 13. Someone came and told David, and said to him, The hearts of the men of Israel are turned to Absalom. 14. And David said to all his servants that were with him in Jerusalem, Arise, let us flee, for there will be no salvation for us before Absalom. Make haste to leave; if not, he would soon reach us, and he would throw us into misfortune and strike the city with the edge of the sword. 15. The king's servants said to him, “Your servants will do whatever my lord the king wills. 16. The king went out, and all his house followed him, and he left ten concubines to watch over the house. 17. The king went out, and all the people followed him, and they stood at the last house.
Let us remember :
Betrayal is one of the modus operandi the devil uses to sow division among those who love each other. No matter what bond these people have, when betrayal is seen, there is little chance that the relationship will endure. Betrayal is often linked to greed, greed, lust, hatred, ignorance, immaturity and the like. In some betrayals, the perpetrators are not shy to enlist other people in order to amplify their act. We want to make other people hate the one who suffers the betrayal. Each betrayal leaves a bitterness in the heart of the betrayed person. And very few betrayals end well because for the most part it is temporary or permanent separation. Let nothing and no one push us towards betrayal. Rather, let us love each other instead of betraying each other. Excellent Tuesday without betrayal. Amen Alain Louz.-