Thursday 28 October 2021
Theme : " Be reconciled with God "
Text : 2 Thessalonians 3: 14-15
14. And if any one does not obey what we say by this letter, write it down, and have no communication with him, that he will be ashamed. 15. Do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.
Let us remember :
Obedience must characterize every child of God. How would we be children of God if we are not obedient to this God? In Jesus we see no rebellion except obedience to his Father. All disobedience is the sign of rebellion, of lack of consideration. But the Church, the body of Christ, does not need rebels. Whoever is disobedient to the Word of God must be redirected to the right path. We must also pray for him and accompany him to take off again. If the person persists in disobedience, let's build him up again, support him in prayer. And if possible, involve other people to strengthen the prayer and optimize the relief. In case disobedience persists, Paul asks us to break contact to isolate him. The person must feel that his disobedience saddens those around him. But we must continue to pray for the person, even from a distance, because he is not our enemy. Isolation is a solution that works in some cases. Excellent Thursday. Amen Alain Louz.-