Thursday May 23, 2024
Theme: “You shall not speak false witness against your neighbor”
Text: Proverbs 19:5
5. A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who speaks lies will not escape.
Let's remember:
Yes, the false witness will not go unpunished. When we have been a false witness in any circumstance, several punishments lie before us. Let's start with the later view of those who know the truth and who are certain that we would have lied. They will become resistant to our presence. They will downgrade us and avoid traveling with us. They will advise people not to trust us. We will become their laughing stock. Then there is self-punishment, our own conscience will overwhelm us with incessant reproaches that can last throughout our lives. We would no longer be able to stand in front of the person we lied to. This burden will weigh on our conscience throughout our lives. There is also the punishment of human justice if it discovers that we are a false witness, it will pronounce a sentence equivalent to our crime. Sums of money will be taxed as a fine. Finally, there is divine justice; divine punishment cannot be ignored because every wrong done to others is punished by God. The Lord God places a point of honor on love of neighbor and encourages us to perpetuate it. Conversely, he hates the false witness and all other sins. But the Lord accepts the one who recognizes his fault, repents and asks forgiveness from his neighbor while committing not to repeat such an act again. God will restore us. Have a great Thursday. Amen
Alain Louz.-