Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Theme: “Worship that pleases the Lord"
Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
1. When I speak the tongues of men and angels, if I have not charity, I am a resounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. 2. And when I have the gift of prophecy, the science of all mysteries and all knowledge, when I even have all the faith to move mountains, if I have not charity, I am not nothing. 3. And when I would distribute all my goods for the food of the poor, when I would even give my body to be burned, if I have no charity, it is of no use to me.
Let's remember:
The only language that God understands is that of love: love for God and for our neighbour. And worship is summed up in that we must love God in order to adore him better, obey him better, serve him better. Then we will have enough remaining love to love our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus made the difference in showing his love at all times; even on the Sabbath he could heal a sick person. When love supersedes all desires, then we can easily love God and our neighbour. All spiritual gifts come from the Holy Spirit of God and must serve the common cause. Which would mean that spiritual gifts are exercised out of love. Since the capacity of each gift does not depend on the one who exerts it but on God, thus, the gifts must answer the requirements of God. The only great requirement of God is love. Let's put our gifts on wheels of love and great things will happen in our communities. If love is central to the exercise of every gift, every worship will please God. Excellent Tuesday. Amen Alain Louz.-