Friday 23 June 2023
Theme: “Widows in Action” Text: Mark 12:41-44
41. Jesus, having sat opposite the trunk, watched how the crowd put money into it. Many rich people put in a lot. 42. There also came a poor widow, she put in two small coins, making a quarter of a penny. 43. Then Jesus, having called his disciples, said unto them, Truly I tell you, this poor widow has given more than any of those who put into the trunk; 44. for all have put in their superfluity, but she has put in her necessities, all that she possessed, all that she had to live on.
Let's remember:
The action of a poor widow can exceed that of several rich people put together. Being a widow is not synonymous with defeat, especially when you know how to touch the sensitivity of God. A widow with a heart of gold is better than a proud rich man. Large sums of money are worthless before a quarter of a coin backed by a charming heartbeat toward God. A widow in action is one who knows how to touch the heart of God with small acts of benevolence, even when the quantity is minimal. The most important thing is the love that surrounds the gesture which translates into the gift of self. This is why our gestures towards widows must also be filled with love. Even a simple look can bring joy to a widow when it is warm and kind. Widows should not underestimate, belittle, or even mope each time. They bring joy to God and men when their actions are crowned with love and if they are skilfully posed. God accepts their actions and he does not take his eyes off the widows in action; those who are filled with love and have the joy of giving. Such widows are cared for by God himself. They are well rewarded by the Eternal God. They are comforted and their afflictions change to joy. Let every action taken by a widow reflect the love of God that fills her heart; self-giving. Excellent Friday and good start into the weekend. Amen Alain Louz.-