Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Theme : “Widows in action” Text : Numbers 30:10
Numbers 30:10 The vow of a widowed or divorced woman, any pledge by which she binds herself, will be valid for her.
Let's remember:
This chapter scales the marriage and covenant between Jesus Christ, Israel the rebellious nation, and the bride Church. The bridegroom of the Church, Jesus, in taking the decision to save the world and the bride, could not turn away from it. Despite the pains of Gethsemane and the humiliation of Golgotha, he kept his vow. However Israel before Moses had made a vow at the foot of Mount Sinai; vow to remain faithful to God and his commandments. But this vow was flouted and trampled on by the same people just the day after their engagement. Here, the wish of the widow must depend on her and on God. The widow must be directly connected to God to maintain closeness and control but also fidelity to her vow. A woman who had resolved to marry a man and be killed; this woman will have to come closer to God to build the new life by counting on Him, the defender of widows. No one else should interfere in this relationship to hold this widow accountable because her vow should not change. She must remain active in seeking the face of God. She has all the privilege of living her new life counting on the strength of God. From now on, his action and his effort will count to remain faithful to God, by his grace. It is in front of God that a widow can dissolve her vow and beg God to grant her release. But that is another story which is valid if there is a new priestly vocation which is offered to her and which obliges her to disengage from her old vow; she must negotiate with God to obtain discharge. Excellent Wednesday. Amen Alain Louz.-