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Widowage: fatality or responsibility?

Monday, June 20, 2022

Theme : " Widowage: fatality or responsibility?" » Text : Jeremiah 22:3-5 3. Thus says the Lord: Do justice and equity; deliver the oppressed from the hands of the oppressor; do not mistreat the stranger, the orphan and the widow; do not use violence, nor shed innocent blood in this place. 4. For if you do according to this word, the kings seated on the throne of David will enter through the gates of this house, riding on chariots and on horses, they, their servants and their people. 5. But if you do not listen to these words, I swear by myself, says the LORD, this house will become a ruin.

Let's remember:

God looks at the way we treat our neighbor to bless us or to strike us down. Let us not forget that it is said: “Make no mistake about it: we are not making fun of God. What a man sows, he will also reap” Galatians 6:7. Let us be careful not to enter into war against those protected by God, among whom are the stranger, the orphan and the widow. When a person is in the condition of widowhood, she drags a strong pain, which should not be added. Widowhood is the situation, the state of a widowed person who has not remarried. Her state or her situation can be a fatality or a responsibility depending on how she goes about it; but also depending on whether those around her treat her. In widowhood, the person is amputated of a member which contributed to her all-round aid; and now finds herself alone. But God does not abandon his children, nor do we abandon them. It is everyone's responsibility to protect widows and widowers. We must spare them because it is not inevitable. That only happens to other people. Almost everyone will go there. Excellent Monday. Amen Alain Louz.-

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