Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Theme: “Who shall we serve in the world?” Text: 2 Chronicles 12:8
8. But they will be subject to him, and they will know what it is to serve me or to serve the kingdoms of other countries.
Let's remember:
This story tells us about Rehoboam, king of Judah. Rehoboam was abandoned by Israel in the schism that arose because of his harsh words to the people. When his kingdom was established and he had gained strength, he forsook the Lord, and all Israel forsook him with him. He served other gods. This posture irritated the Eternal who no longer wanted to help them. So Shishah king of Egypt went up against Jerusalem, because they had sinned against the Lord. He took the fortified towns that belonged to Judah, and came as far as Jerusalem. The LORD sent his prophet Schimaeiah to speak to King Rehoboam, he said to him from the LORD, You have forsaken me; I also abandon you, and deliver you into the hands of Schischak. When Rehoboam heard this message from God, he humbled himself before God, himself and his leaders and the people. God had compassion and came to their rescue. Nevertheless, the Lord allowed Rehoboam and the people to be punished so that the lesson would stick. This is for them to understand that when one abandons God to serve other deities, there are great misfortunes and reprimands that occur. Serving God remains the essential thing to preserve when you have lost everything. Climbing the ranks should not separate us from the Eternal to serve other deities. This ingratitude can never go unpunished. Galatians 6:7. “Make no mistake: God is not being mocked. What a man sows, he will also reap”. He who serves foreign gods will reap the wrath of God. Let us serve God faithfully and we will have the guarantee of his help. Excellent Wednesday. Amen Alain Louz.-