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Welcoming the Lord Jesus Christ

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Theme: "Welcoming the Lord Jesus Christ"

Text: Colossians 2:6-7

6. Therefore, as you have received the Lord Jesus Christ, walk in him, 7. being rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, according to the instructions which were given to you, and abounding in thanksgiving.

Let us remember:

Now that we have welcomed Jesus Christ into our life, let us take advantage of this relationship to draw the maximum of provisions useful to our faith. Jesus is the vine, the trunk that supports us since we are the branches, the branches. It is He who gives us food and drink. He asks the roots to mobilize the sap that he transmits to the branches. We are strong when we let ourselves be supported by Him. If we cut our relationship with Jesus, we will become pagans again, people without faith, without hope, devoid of salvation. If we break away from Him, we lose the sap and we will dry up. So, as we have received the Lord Jesus Christ, let us walk faithfully in Him. Let us avoid spiritual mishmash. Let us trust Him and let Him make the best decisions for us. Let us be continually rooted and grounded in Him. There are no other roots that can compare to Him. Roots that are not connected to Jesus can give us deadly poison for our life, our faith and especially our salvation. Let us be strengthened by faith, according to the instructions that have been given to us. Let us not deviate from them at the risk of exposing ourselves to dangerous wolves. Every child of God must have only one base of support. We must not belong to two masters. It is not good to receive Jesus in our life and serve the interests of Satan. We have welcomed Jesus, let us remain faithful to his commandments. Let us also help our neighbor to remain faithful so that salvation spreads like wildfire. Let us be happy because salvation is within our reach; we must therefore maintain it by the grace of God. Let us abound in thanksgiving for this election to salvation. Excellent Saturday. Amen

Alain Louz.-

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