Saturday, November 9, 2024
Theme: “Watch your words!”
Text: 1 Peter 3:10-11
10. For if anyone wants to love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit. 11. Let him turn away from evil and do good, let him seek peace and pursue it;
Let us remember:
Many of us are in the habit of lamenting our fate; as if people do not love us. There are those who say: I do good to people but in return, there is no recognition. We go so far as to treat those we have helped as ungrateful. But they forget that every time they do good, they announce it to whoever wants to hear it. They talk a lot and incessantly. They spend their time disclosing their charitable actions. As a result, people feel humiliated to know that the person who has done them good; in return, has robbed them of dignity. The lack of control of the mouth has a great negative impact on us and on our families. Our offspring will suffer the consequences of our misconduct. Do we want to be happy in life? Let us be modest and learn to preserve our tongue from evil. The uncontrolled tongue leads to murmuring, insults, slander, backbiting, pride, curses, blasphemy, false promises, coarse words… Another thing that is as tragic as the bad tongue is lying. A liar has no value in front of the people he has lied to. Especially when lying becomes repetitive, it becomes a bad habit. No one will be able to believe us anymore. No one could count on us anymore. Let us turn away from evil and do good, let us leave lying and be true, wise and reserved. Let us watch our words. Excellent Saturday. Amen
Alain Louz.-