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Vigilance and expectation

Wednesday November 16, 2022

Theme: “Vigilance and expectation" Text: Matthew 24:15-28 15. Therefore, when you see the abomination of desolation, of which the prophet Daniel spoke, established in the holy place, let him who reads pay attention! 16. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; 17. that he who will be on the roof does not come down to take what is in his house; 18. and that whoever is in the field does not turn back to take his cloak. 19. Woe to women who are pregnant and to those who breastfeed in those days! 20. Pray that your flight does not come in winter, nor on a Sabbath day. 21. For then there will be great trouble, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until now, and never will be. 22. And, if these days were not shortened, no one would be saved; but, because of the elect, these days will be shortened. 23. If someone then says to you: Christ is here, or: He is there, do not believe him. 24. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets; they will do great wonders and miracles, to the point of deceiving, if possible, even the elect. 25. Behold, I foretold you. 26. If therefore they say unto you, Behold, he is in the wilderness, go not thither; behold, he is in the chambers, believe him not. 27. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28. Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together. Remember: May God help us to discern the spirits so that we can distinguish the true from the false. Let's take a lot of time to read the Word to understand it better, thanks to the help of the Holy Spirit. Let's train our inner ear of faith to pick up the voice of the Good Shepherd. If we confuse the voice of Jesus with that of the evil one, we would have lacked vigilance. The abomination of desolation are the greatest excesses of impiety, the greatest profanations, and, by extension, the greatest disorders. If we see them set as standard, then beware for Christ is at the door. Let's not minimize the message of Jesus' return as did the naive virgins who had no oil in their lamps. Let's see with our own eyes how the distress is spreading in this world. Nature also teaches us through climate change which is one of the signs announcing the imminent return of Jesus. False christs are multiplying; abominations are tolerated and made the norm. Let's be careful and considerate so as not to run in vain. Excellent Wednesday of vigilance. Amen Alain Louz.-

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