Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Theme : "To be a disciple of Jesus Christ"
Text: Luke 14:25-27
25. Large crowds traveled with Jesus. He turned around and said to them, 26. If anyone comes to me, and does not hate his father, his mother, his wife, his children, his brothers, and his sisters, and even his own life , he cannot be my disciple. 27. And whoever does not carry his cross, and follow me, cannot be my disciple.
When the disciple receives instruction from his master, he must immediately put it into practice. He does not reflect on the ins and outs but he goes in the same direction as his master. If the master has no roof, how can a disciple be imagined with his roof? If the master has no family, likewise the disciple should not. If the master has no purse, the disciple also should not have it. The disciple must make a vital choice, that of working for the salvation of souls. As such, he must mute anything that can set his faith back. The family can become a slowing factor in the evolution of faith. The father, mother, brothers and sisters can prevent us from receiving Christ for our Savior and from being faithful to him after having received him. Certain family heavinesses prevent us from going far with Jesus. Therefore, we must watch over them so that we do not serve the family more than the Master. Let's not hate our family because that's what the Bible says; let us rather refuse the pressure of the family which turns us away from God and prevents us from advancing with Christ our master. Excellent Wednesday. Amen
Alain Louz.-