Friday, June 17, 2022
Theme : " The unity of the children of God "
Text : Ephesians 4:1-7
1. I therefore urge you, I, the prisoner in the Lord, to walk in a manner worthy of the calling which has been addressed to you, 2. in all humility and meekness, with patience, supporting one another with charity , 3. striving to keep the unity of spirit in the bond of peace. 4. There is one body and one Spirit, as also you have been called to one hope by your vocation; 5. there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6. one God and Father of all, who is over all, and among all, and in all. 7. But to each of us grace has been given according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
Let's remember:
The unity of the children of God does not fall from the sky like rain. It is the fruit of love, forgiveness, peace and many concessions. We have an obligation to walk in a way worthy of the vocation addressed to us, while respecting our differences. We are asked for a good dose of humility, gentleness with unfailing patience. We must support each other with charity. By yearning for peace and surrendering to it with great love, we will achieve the long-sought unity. God did not make the difference between the baptism of teenagers, and that of adults or old people, that of men, and that of women, whites, blacks, the rich, in short, we have access to the same baptism. The Holy Spirit is the same for everyone, except the manifestation which can change according to the vocation of each person. For those who persevere, we will end up in the same eternal life; in the same heavenly city. Having the same hope, let us live the unity of the children of God because we share the same faith and also we have in common the same Lord. Excellent Friday and good start into the weekend. Amen Alain Louz.-