Saturday 5 June 2021
Theme : " The unalterable love of God for man in distress " Text : 2 Samuel 22: 14-20
14. The LORD thundered from the heavens; the Most High uttered his voice; 15. He shot arrows and scattered my enemies, the thunderbolt, and routed them. 16. The bed of the sea appeared, the foundations of the world were uncovered, by the rebuke of the LORD, by the sound of the breath of his nostrils. 17. He stretched out his hand from above, he took hold of me, and brought me out of the great waters; 18. He delivered me from my mighty adversary, From my enemies who were stronger than I. 19. They surprised me in the day of my trouble; but the LORD was my support. 20. He put me off, He saved me, because he loves me.
Let us remember :
The plight of God's children will not last forever. The most important thing is to find refuge in God because the time for his deliverance is near. Isaiah said: "But darkness will not always reign On the earth where there are now anguish: If the past times have covered with reproach The land of Zabulon and the land of Naphtali, The times to come will cover the land with glory. next to the sea, beyond the Jordan, The land of the Gentiles. At the appointed time, God will blow on our anxieties and our distress will be diluted. The rejoicing enemy will flee with his cohort of fallen angels. The waters which covered us will dry up to the point of uncovering the bed of the sea. The Lord will put us out to sea; where there is security, joy, salvation and peace. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-