Friday June 4, 2021
Theme : " The unalterable love of God for man in distress " Text : Jeremiah 31: 1-4
1. At that time, saith the Lord, I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people. 2. Thus saith the LORD, He has found favor in the wilderness, the people of those who escaped the sword; Israel is walking towards its resting place. 3. The Lord shows himself to me from afar: I love you with everlasting love; This is why I keep my goodness to you. 4. I will make you well again, and you will be made well, Virgin of Israel! You will still have your tambourines for adornment, and you will come out in the midst of merry dances.
Let us remember :
When God walks among his people, He saves them from distress, and the people express themselves with shouts of joy and joyous dances. If God is really the God of our family, things will not be the same; life will no longer be like in our unbelieving past. The distress will cease; it will be replaced by joy. The presence of God within a nation, a family or any Christian community ... is easily felt. We feel spiritual development but also in other areas. We evolve without asking questions knowing that God holds the reins of everything. We no longer ask questions because the answer is already certain and exact: God takes care of everything. If we leave His place as Lord to Him, God will be our Savior. Excellent Friday and good entry into the weekend. Amen Alain Louz.-