Wednesday April 6, 2022
Theme : " The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem "
Text : Luke 19:28
28. After having thus spoken, Jesus walked in front of the crowd, to go up to Jerusalem.
Let's remember:
Verse 11 tells us that Jesus was near Jerusalem, and it was believed that the kingdom of God was about to appear. Especially since before walking in front of the crowd, Jesus had taught them about a man of high birth who went to a distant country, to be invested with royal authority, and then to return. He gave ten minas to ten servants to make them fruitful. But the people hated him, and they sent an embassy after him, to say, We do not want this man to rule over us. On his return, this man who had become king judged the work of the ten servants and their mines; he had those who did not want to see him reign killed. And it was after this story that Jesus walked to enter Jerusalem. Yes Jesus entered Jerusalem to be invested king of the Jews; he will soon wear the crown of thorns. He entered Jerusalem to make himself king and return to judge the work he bequeaths to us in his harvest. Jesus entered Jerusalem to face the cross which is his ultimate challenge concluding his earthly mission; and who is the source of the salvation of mankind. Excellent Wednesday with Jesus. Amen Alain Louz.-