Thursday April 20, 2023
Theme: "The reconciliation of God with his people"
Text: Exodus 25:22
22. This is where I will meet with you; from the top of the mercy seat, between the two cherubim placed on the ark of the testimony, I will give you all my orders for the children of Israel.
Let's remember:
After giving the decalogue to Moses, after explaining in detail several aspects not mentioned in the 10 commandments; God invited Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel to the foot of the mountain, to bow down from afar. They were forbidden to approach the face of God; except Moses and Aaron who ascended to the top. Immediately God covered the mountain with cloud to separate the lowness and the divine highness. Moses and Aaron entered into the presence of God. And there, God remained silent for 40 days without telling them anything. Moses and Aaron were very very very patient in the wait. Then God spoke to them at length about the offerings, the tabernacle and the ark, in great detail. All this is an omen of God's will to reconcile with his people since at the end he said he would come down from the flaming mountain to stay in the middle of the tabernacle. He said that he would meet Moses from the top of the mercy seat, between the two cherubim placed on the ark of the testimony, he would give him all the orders for the children of Israel. This new stage comes to cover with grace, with forgiveness the one before which was an anthology of blasphemies mixed with serious infidelities. But the love of God resounds stronger than his anger, he loved the world so much that he makes his mercy and his goodness prevail over our infidelities. Excellent Thursday of reconciliation with God. Amen Alain Louz.-