Monday April 18, 2022
Theme : " The power of the Risen One in our lives "
Text : Philippians 3:7-11
7. But those things which were gain to me, I looked upon as loss, for Christ's sake. 8. And even I regard all things as loss, because of the excellence of the knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord, for whom I have renounced everything, and I regard them as mud, in order to gain Christ, 9. and to be found in him, not with my righteousness, which comes from the law, but with that which is obtained by faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God through faith, 10. In order to know Christ, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, by becoming like him in his death, to come, 11. if I can, to the resurrection from the dead.
Let's remember:
When the Risen Christ fills our hearts, we have the hope of glory. The experience of having the Son of God in our life changes our way of seeing things. We pass from personal consideration to the divine prism which is made of the need to live in order to serve, to save, to accomplish the will of God. When the Risen One wins the heart of a Christian, the person can no longer remain the same; discernment takes place. Thus all activities which do not give glory to God are prohibited. Everything that was the object of his admiration must be sifted through to judge its significance before the work of the cross. The apostle Paul who had spent time at the feet of Gamaliel, to better master the law, finally concluded that it was a waste of time, it was a vanity, a waste. The excellence of the Risen Christ leads us only towards purity, sanctification. Everything that is not in this order of idea becomes mud, capable of dirtying our whole being body, soul and spirit. The Risen One changes our whole life and enables us to become holy as He Himself is Holy. Excellent Easter Monday. Amen Alain Louz.-