Sunday, December 8, 2024
Theme: “The Lord is near”
Text: Revelation 3:20-22
20. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with me. 21. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne, just as I also overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Let us remember:
The Lord is near. This is why it is urgent to give him the reins of our lives. God is our Creator; curiously he is left outside by each of us. Instead of keeping him in our hearts, we expel him through our sins. We know that God does not coexist with sin. If we are of his race, let us open the door of our heart to him. This passage in its original form was addressed to the church of Laodicea, a church well known to God, neither cold nor boiling. Because of this duality, God said that he would vomit it out of his mouth. Laodicea is also the symbol of the spirit of sufficiency, self-sufficiency, pride and denial of God. Deep down, it is an unhappy, miserable, poor, blind and naked church. Laodicea saw itself as rich and needed nothing, not even God. The symbolism is very strong and painful to see a church of God, which drives God from its bosom and which believes to live without God, its owner. In reality, this is what we are. We want to move forward, leaving God aside. We believe we are rich while forgetting that it is God who supported us to get there. We believe we are well dressed without associating God who dresses even the flowers. We believe we are beautiful and handsome without connecting God to our state. It only takes a small virus in the body, for beauty to disappear like a flower in the sun. Let us invite God into our lives, we will be better dressed, richer and humbler and we will be saved. Excellent Sunday. Amen
Alain Louz.-