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The fragility of man living outside the precepts of God

Sunday August 28, 2022

Theme: “The fragility of man living outside the precepts of God» Text: Acts 8:18-23

18. When Simon saw that the Holy Spirit was given by the laying on of hands of the apostles, he offered them money, 19. saying, Grant me also this power, that he on whom I shall lay hands receive the Holy Spirit. 20. But Peter said to him, Let your money perish with you, since you believed that the gift of God was purchased with money! 21. You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right before God. 22. Repent therefore of your wickedness, and pray to the Lord that the thought of your heart be forgiven you, if it be possible; 23. for I see that you are in a bitter gall and in bonds of iniquity.

Let's remember:

God does not cooperate with those who have unclean intentions in his work; however He is able to work with them if they sincerely repent. In the priesthood, and even in the daily life of the laity, the primacy must return to God in our thoughts, our actions, our projects… Our God sees all our guilty projections; He knows when a thought seeks to arise to divert his glory; though the procedure was subtle. Unfortunately among the shepherds who lead us, there are those who have intentions similar to those of Simon the magician. This one wants to pass from prestidigitation to the anointing of the Saint by his self-selection, forgetting that the election comes from the Eternal God and that money is not a criterion of selection. God is sovereign; He can elect any malefactor for his service; but He subjects him to sincere repentance in order to purify him. Simon wanted to use his money but there are those who use their intelligence, their malice, their connections... to enter the priesthood without repenting. Baptism alone without repentance is not enough. Let us not be further from the precepts of God. Excellent Sunday. Amen Alain Louz.-

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