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The fragility of man living outside the precepts of God

Writer's picture: Meditons EnsembleMeditons Ensemble

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Theme: “The fragility of man living outside the precepts of God» Text: Isaiah 2:21-22

21. And they shall enter into the clefts of the rocks And into the hollows of the stones, To avoid the terror of the LORD and the glare of his majesty, When he shall arise to terrify the earth. 22. Cease to trust in man, In whose nostrils there is but one breath: For of what value is it?

Let's remember:

In verse 5 of this same chapter, it is said: "House of Jacob, come, and let us walk in the light of the Lord"; This call is still valid for our generation. It is urgent to align ourselves behind the Eternal because the current way of life is iniquitous and more sneaky than we think; let's take care. The days pass quickly and we devote ourselves only to the pleasures of the world; refusing to heal our soul; refusing to prepare our eternity in Christ Jesus. The day of the Lord will come; it is an immutable truth that cannot be deprogrammed. [For there is a day for the LORD of hosts Against every proud and haughty man, Against everyone who exalts himself, that he may be humbled…. The proud man will be humbled, And the haughty will be humbled: The Lord alone will be exalted on that day] cf Isaiah 2.12 and 17. In that day will be revealed, the vanity and the frailty of the man living outside the precepts of God; for God will trample him under his feet. There will be no hiding place to take refuge. No man can save us from the wrath of God; not even Jesus because he will be the judge and not the lawyer. Let us love the precepts of God and follow them. Excellent Tuesday. Amen Alain Louz.-

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