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The Church's Numerical Growth

Writer's picture: Meditons EnsembleMeditons Ensemble

Saturday March 4, 2023

Theme: “The Church's Numerical Growth Text: Acts 11:21-24

21. The hand of the Lord was with them, and many people believed and converted to the Lord. 22. The report reached the ears of the members of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. 23. When he had come, and had seen the grace of God, he rejoiced over it, and exhorted them all to hold fast to the Lord with a firm heart. 24. For he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a fairly large crowd joined the Lord.

Let's remember:

The numerical growth is noticeable when there are people who agree to go and spread the good news of salvation. It is God who enables the propagation or expansion of the gospel. His assistance and his blessing are essential to strengthen the dynamism of his messengers. As for circumstances and means, it is always God who is at the helm; He who creates them according to his divine sovereignty. The disciple Stephen was stoned and killed during the persecution of the followers of Jesus Christ. Frightened, the other disciples scattered and each fled far from Jerusalem. It was God's plan for them to proclaim the gospel where they fled. In a very short time, every corner received the message of salvation, there were many converts, and the Church grew. Death can sadden us but God can create numerical growth from a case of death, like the case of Etienne. This is why Paul said this to Timothy: "preach the word, insist on every occasion, favorable or not, reprove, censure, exhort, with all meekness and instructing" 2 Timothy 4:2. No matter the circumstance, the gospel must be preached to create digital growth. Let us pray and accompany those who come to God; let us give them the tools of spiritual growth so that they may be established as pillars in the Church, the house of God. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-

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