Saturday June 3, 2023
Theme: “The Christian, Equipped for Service” Text: 1 Corinthians 12:13
13. We have all, in fact, been baptized into one Spirit, to form one body, whether Jews, or Greeks, or slaves, or free, and we have all been quenched with one Spirit.
Let's remember:
Baptism brings us into the mold of the Spirit to begin service. It is in the Holy Spirit of God that we receive baptism. Coming out of the mold, we become uniform according to the new form received from the Spirit. By the Holy Spirit of God, we all enter into service, regardless of race or social status. Coming out of the waters of baptism, we become a new creature since the Holy Spirit gives us a new form, new desires. All desires converge towards service because one is baptized to serve. Baptism can be of water, spirit or fire but all are the work of the Holy Spirit which comes to impact the person who receives it. Baptism is a passage that opens the door to the Holy Spirit to water us. Whatever form of call we receive, whatever our origin, we drink from the one and only source called the Holy Spirit. It is he who deposits in us the new desires to serve. After baptism, God comes to equip us with the Holy Spirit. This is where everyone takes their direction to quickly serve God, the Church, the congregations or communities and even men. It is in the Holy Spirit that we are baptized and equipped to serve. Excellent Saturday. Amen Alain Louz.-