Wednesday May 31, 2023
Theme: “The Christian, Equipped for Service”
Text: Exodus 4:1-5
1. Moses answered and said, Behold, they will not believe me, neither will they listen to my voice. But they will say, The LORD has not appeared to you. 2. The Lord said to him, What is in your hand? He answered: A rod. 3. The LORD said, Cast her down. He threw her down, and she became a snake. Moses fled before him. 4. The LORD said to Moses, Stretch out your hand, and take hold of him by the tail. He reached out and grabbed it, and the snake became a rod in his hand again. 5. This, says the LORD, you shall do, that they may believe that the LORD, the God of their fathers, appeared to you, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.
Let's remember:
No one can triumph over one whom God has equipped for service. When God sends a person on a mission, he gives him all the resources necessary to see it through to completion. The tools are of several orders and they contribute to the embellishment of the course. For Moses, God also used miracles transforming the staff into a serpent in order to show that it is God who is at the helm. It is to dazzle the crowds with his marvels and to strengthen his authority that God accommodates himself to the understanding of men, by performing miracles. In reality, God equips the Christian but in the end it is God himself who acts instead of the person. The person only plays the role of an extra. The effort required is minimal, but the big effort is to trust in God and not fear the obstacles along the way. God never sent anyone on a mission unequipped. He never equipped someone to fail him or to abandon him, to shame him. This kind of thing happens when the person manifests his refusal and disobedience, like Jonah. It is not good to argue with God when he sends us on a mission; subterfuges and other evasions have no value before God because he has full knowledge of everything. Let's not neglect the tools God gives us. Let's not damage them, let's not play with them, let's not desecrate them. Let us not take advantage of it but tell our interlocutors that it is God who is the author. Excellent Wednesday and happy end of May. Amen Alain Louz.-