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The Blessings of Offerings and Tithing

Writer's picture: Meditons EnsembleMeditons Ensemble

Friday, November 4, 2022

Theme: “The Blessings of Offerings and Tithing" Text: Proverbs 11:24-25 24. Such, who gives liberally, becomes richer; And so and so, who saves excessively, only becomes impoverished. 25. The generous soul will be satisfied, and he who waters will himself be watered. Remember: In life, there are principles that govern the blessing and the curse. It is good to know that nothing is free here, and even grace has cost the price of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus gave his life for the salvation of humanity; in return, he received the Name which is above all names, in heaven, on earth, in the waters. Through the gift of Jesus, we have grace. You have to sow before you harvest a seed. One cannot sit idle and wait for valuable results. God has established this principle in his sovereignty and the world has always run in this way. If someone gives liberally, without pride, without pressure, without a hidden agenda, he becomes richer. His offering or gift will grow in God's bank at exponential rates of interest. As for the one who saves excessively, who hoards and thinks only of himself; he will impoverish himself in his avarice. The benevolent soul will be well satisfied, rewarded. He who waters will himself be watered. God always returns the favor to where he came from. Excellent Friday and good start into the weekend. Amen Alain Louz.-

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