Wednesday November 2, 2022
Theme: “The Blessings of Offerings and Tithing" Text: Proverbs 3:9-10 9. Honor the LORD with your substance, and with the firstfruits of all your increase. 10. Then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine. Remember: The goods garnered in this low world must honor and serve God. There is no point in amassing wealth to rejoice one's soul. Goods are the fruit of God's grace, let us receive them with thanksgiving and may this not alienate us from Him. David said this prayer: "1 Chronicles 29:12. From you come wealth and glory, it is you who rule over everything, it is in your hand that is strength and power, and It is your hand that has the power to enlarge and strengthen all things…14b … Everything comes from you, and we receive from your hand what we offer you.” This is why our possessions are instruments of glory for God. Our possessions must sparkle with beauty and splendor because they are vessels of honor in the service of the Eternal. The most precious of all our goods is our heart because it is he who explores the divine by the propulsion of the Holy Spirit. When we receive any good from God, let us avoid using it without consecrating it to God, the giver of all good. The firstfruits belong to God; the opposite would be a kind of avarice that does not say its name. Our offerings/tithes will be blessed if they honor the King of glory. Excellent Wednesday. Amen Alain Louz.-