Friday, November 29, 2024
Theme: "The Benefits of God's Word"
Text: Romans 15:4
4. Now whatever things were written before were written for our instruction, that through patience and comfort of the Scriptures we might have hope.
Let us remember:
Yes, the holy scriptures give patience and comfort. Now, when we receive these two riches, namely, patience and comfort, we enter into hope. Patience is an ability to persevere in an activity or long-term work, without becoming discouraged. And comfort, a relief brought to the pain, to the sorrow of a person. These two benefits of the Word complete their action with a vibrant feeling of confidence in the future; a feeling that leads us to confidently await the accomplishment of what we desire. Isn’t that what every person who believes in Jesus does? Isn’t that what the Word of God says? Having patience and comfort are benefits of the Word of God. The Word teaches us to be patient while waiting for Jesus to return. Also be patient when we ask God for something. God Himself is patient since He waits for us to reach the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to the state of mature men, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. The Word comforts us since the Holy Spirit is our comforter. The Word wants our hope to be the foundation of our work on earth, the anchor point of our spiritual growth but also of our belief. The hope that the Word of God teaches us is based on the imminent arrival of Jesus Christ, in glory in order to take us and bring us into divine happiness. Long in advance, the Word of God has instructed us on hope. It forbids us to lack hope. She encourages us to stand firm in our faith. Let us persevere and not weaken. Let us advance and not retreat so that these benefits of the Word of God are not trampled underfoot. Excellent Friday and good start to the weekend. Amen
Alain Louz.-