Wednesday January 15, 2025
Theme: "Spiritual Awakening and Discernment"
Text: 1 Kings 3:7-9
7. Now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king instead of David my father; and I am but a youth, I have no experience. 8. Your servant is in the midst of the people you have chosen, a vast people, which cannot be numbered or reckoned, because of its multitude. 9. Therefore grant your servant an understanding heart to judge your people, to discern good from evil! For who could judge your people, this people so numerous?
Let us remember:
The decisions of our heart must be oriented towards holy desires. In our prayers, let us ask for an intelligent heart to have the judgment to discern good from evil. The basis of all judgment is discernment. A judgment is truncated when discernment is obstructed. Solomon, in asking for wisdom, had also raised the problem of discernment. Indeed, his request was based on wisdom and intelligence but the end result is to have the ability to discern good from evil. Many decisions are often bad due to lack of discernment. We can miss certain spiritual gifts but that of discernment is very important in several areas of life. We are used to praying for an easy life or other blessings. The observation: after having obtained these divine graces, we lack the wisdom to manage them. In the end, we sink into mismanagement, pride, distancing ourselves from God and our brothers and sisters in the community. There are others who receive the blessings requested after long fasts and spiritual retreats; then they end up pagans, they return to worldly life because of the lack of wisdom and discernment. Discernment allows us to maintain spiritual awakening well. Likewise, spiritual awakening produces discernment. Excellent Wednesday. Amen.
Alain Louz.-